Send The Message

Tell your MLA and provincial leaders that forestry works in every corner of the BC and that without reliable and timely access to the sustainable annual allowable cut, we have a lot more to lose than mills.

From newspaper headlines to town halls and local coffee shops – British Columbians are worried about the future of forestry. The future is uncertain. Harvest levels have dropped by 42% since 2018 and half of BC’s mills have been lost in the last two decades. Over the last six years government-issued cutting permits have slowed to a trickle and there is a widening gap between the annual allowable cut – set in legislation by the Province’s chief forester – and harvest levels. Harvest levels have now fallen to less than 60% of the AAC. Forestry is a renewable sector – and it has been a thriving sector while harvesting just a fraction of one percent of the forest land base each year. Without reliable and timely access to the AAC, one of government’s major renewable revenue streams dries up. Forestry revenues support the programs, infrastructure and services that British Columbians deserve and need. The fact is it’s not trees versus jobs; it’s quality of life and an allowable annual cut we can all count on. It’s time government leaders across BC committed to both.

Tell BC’s provincial leaders – Ministers, MLAs, the Premier and BC’s opposition leaders – to commit to an AAC that is delivered on the ground; not just on paper. That means reliable and timely access to the AAC so that forestry continues to work for all British Columbians.


Customize our digital letter template and send your message today.

The Problem

From newspaper headlines to town halls and local coffee shops – British Columbians are worried about the future of forestry. The future is uncertain.

Harvest levels have dropped by 42% since 2018 and half of BC’s mills have been lost in the last two decades.

Over the last six years government-issued cutting permits have slowed to a trickle and there is a widening gap between the annual allowable cut – set in legislation by the Province’s chief forester – and harvest levels. Harvest levels have now fallen to less than 60% of the AAC.

Forestry is a renewable sector – and it has been a thriving sector while harvesting just a fraction of one percent of the forest land base each year.

Without reliable and timely access to the AAC, one of government’s major renewable revenue streams dries up. Forestry revenues support the programs, infrastructure and services that British Columbians deserve and need.

The fact is it’s not trees versus jobs; it’s quality of life and an allowable annual cut we can all count on. It’s time government leaders across BC committed to both.

The Solution

Tell BC’s provincial leaders – Ministers, MLAs, the Premier and BC’s opposition leaders – to commit to an AAC that is delivered on the ground; not just on paper. That means reliable and timely access to the AAC so that forestry continues to work for all British Columbians. Customize our digital letter template and send your message today.

Your letter will be sent to the following: Premier David Eby, BC NDP, Honourable Bruce Ralston, BC NDP, Honourable Andrew Mercier, BC NDP, Kevin Falcon, MLA, BC United, John Rustad, MLA, Conservative Party of BC
Your letter will also be sent to your MLA:
Your letter has the greatest impact when it's personalized. The most compelling letters share specifics about why reliable and timely access to BC's AAC is important to you personally, how you and your community have been affected by falling harvest levels, and insights into your own life.