Forestry Works for BC

When ForestryWorks, we all do better.

Forestry matters in every corner of this province. From hospitals and schools to roads and communities, forestry has been the foundation of all that we hold in dear BC.  But the future is uncertain. A better and brighter future in this province needs a strong forest sector.  

Who We Are

Our Why

We are British Columbians who believe a stronger BC means affordable housing, reliable healthcare, climate solutions, and thriving communities. We believe a better and brighter future in this province needs a strong forest sector. We believe ForestryWorksforBC.

Our Mission

Across British Columbia, we are coming together and rallying voices to work with government leaders across the province to ensure that BC’s forest sector is sustainable and thriving – for the health of our forests and the health of communities across the province.

Why Forestry Counts

Just as forests are a part of our identity in British Columbia, sustainable forestry is at the heart of our economy: as an employer providing high-wage jobs, as a customer supporting businesses in communities across BC, and as a contributor to government revenues that support the programs and services British Columbians rely on.     

Why Forestry Works

Forestry works for BC by building strong economies and shoring up investments for reliable health care and critical infrastructure like highways and schools, and supporting climate actions with research, science and the people to deliver the solutions in the forest. 

Critical Challenges

From newspaper headlines to town halls and front porches – people across British Columbia are worried about the future of forestry. The future is uncertain. Before we can come together and develop sustainable solutions we must first address a critical challenge: the lack of stable harvest level upon which we can count on – and survive on.

Get Involved

It is not trees versus jobs; its quality of life and a harvest level we can all count on.  It’s time government leaders across BC committed to both because Forestry Works for BC. 

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