January 21, 2025

David Eby, Premier 

Ravi Parmar, Minister of Forests and Deputy Government House Leader

John Rustad, Leader of the Opposition


RE: Forestry Works For BC

British Columbians love our forests for many reasons. Healthy forests are beautiful and provide habitat for wildlife. Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow. Lumber and engineered wood products are eco-friendly construction materials that store carbon. Pulp, paper, and packaging are used in thousands of everyday products. Woody biomass is a sustainable source of heat energy and electricity. Therefore, BC’s forests are crucial to the health of our natural environment and achieving our aspirations for reducing greenhouse gases.

BC’s forests provide numerous environmental benefits while at the same time generating immense economic benefits for families, communities, and governments. The fact is, forestry matters to every person in every corner of BC. Forestry supports healthcare, education, infrastructure, and much more.

Forestry is the foundation of much of what we hold dear in this province. More and more First Nations are beginning to participate in the forest economy as one avenue toward reconciliation. But the future of forestry in BC is uncertain.

Forestry Works for BC is a group of forest-based organizations and companies, representing businesses engaged in all aspects of British Columbia’s forestry sector. We are proud to stand up for tens of thousands of workers and their families who are concerned about the future of forestry in British Columbia. A better and brighter future in this province needs a strong forest sector.

We ask you, the leaders of British Columbia, to take specific and decisive actions to support forestry. Become champions of forestry. Proclaim your intent to grow the forest bioeconomy in British Columbia. Create a legislatively protected working forest to ensure the forest sector can continue to create the social, economic, and environmental benefits for generations of British Columbians. Publicly and vocally recognize good forest management that reduces greenhouse gases, reduces wildfire smoke in the air, improves wildlife habitat, reduces wildfire risk and flooding, and provides family and community supporting jobs.



Ken Kalesnikoff, Chair Forestry Works for BC

Ted Dergousoff, President Interior Lumber Manufacturers’ Association

John Nester, President North West Loggers Association

Bob Brash, Executive Director Truck Loggers Association

Christine Lavoie, President Forest Nursery Association of B.C.

John Betts, Executive Director Western Forestry Contractors’ Association

Todd Chamberlain, General Manager Interior Logging Association

Brian Menzies, Executive Director Independent Wood Processors Association of British Columbia


CC: every BC First Nation, municipality, regional district, forestry association, and multiple media outlets

throughout the province.




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